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March FULL Moon


Please  note  …  this Full Moon report is an update to this month’s New Moon report. For more information, please refer to the New Moon report, available for download at the following link: www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=34

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The Full Moon

The full moon is upon us. This month of Judah, will come to fullness on March 27 at 9: 28 UT. This full moon is very significant because it is the full moon of Passover. In Israel, Passover and the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread will begin at sunset on March 25, and end at sunset on April 2.

The Spring Feasts include:

• Pesach
• Feast of Unleavened Bread
• Feast of Firstfruits (see Leviticus 23:4-14)

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a seven-day event. This Feast speaks of cleansing, sanctification, and being set apart as Elohim’s holy vessels.


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