Yada Holdings

THIRD New Moon


Please  note  …  this Rosh Chodesh marks the beginning of the THIRTEENTH month, according to the Biblical Hebrew calendar.

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This New Moon.

Fellow Watchmen on the walls of the nations, It’s another new moon/month! We bring you greetings in the Name of our risen King, Y’shua Messiah (Jesus Christ), who died that we may live abundantly. The third new moon arrived on March 9 at 01:54 UT. The season ahead is very full. We start with a new moon, a total solar eclipse, and also the transition into the Vernal (i.e., spring) Equinox (Autumnal Equinox in the southern hemisphere) before progressing to a lunar eclipse during the full moon.

We therefore urge you to please take time to go through our full complement of information in this newsletter so as to be able to pray with knowledge and revelation.


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